Monday 25 May 2015

Early Stages and Setbacks

Hello! Well after a hiatus for reasons too boring to blog about I'm back and work is starting to progress.

So far I've removed the original rosette in the Martin soundboard to upgrade it to something rather more special. It was a fiddly process but I have managed to remove the old rings without damaging the surrounding wood... Sigh of relief!!

I've also starting building a jig to support the curved sides of the instrument while I work on them. Unfortunately my toy town bandsaw wasn't really up to the job and, despite my engineer husband, Matt's, best efforts, it has gone to that big workshop in the sky. I now have a shiny new one! :)

I've done all the drilling for the dowels on the jig and should be cutting out the shape in the next few days. Just a few more practice sessions on the new bandsaw first.


  1. I've done the many drilling for the dowels for the jig and should be removing the shape over the following few days.

    1. Ooo exciting! Hi Jenny, where are you writing from? Is this your first guitar?

  2. Hi Amy Goddard!

    I'm from Bangladesh and this is my first guitar.

    Are you help me for writing guitar ?

    My Skype id: Mazibulh
    My Email:
